It’s All A Lie

Think about what you know about God. Anything that causes you doubt what you know of God is not from God. Satan or “the adversary” will first try to cause doubt in your mind concerning God, His scripture, and the truth in Jesus. If and when we are confused about what we know or think we know about God is the time to seek out God and the truth in scripture. Get closer to the source. Our adversary wants us to be confused and doubtful because then he can practice deception in our lives. Sure we will always have questions for God. Our finite human intelligence cannot comprehend the deep places, but our guide the Holy Spirit is able to lead us through these places. Without that close relationship we are open to deception. All the Cults and Apostate churches seem to all begin a deception, a twist of scripture to bend the truth to their view. It is then very important that we question our doubts, seek the truth in scripture, stay close to God in Christ, and allow the Spirit to guide us. Jesus proclaimed; “I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes unto the Father but by me.” Start with the Truth, allow the Spirit to show you the way, and see eternal life in heaven with God. All else is a lie, so know what you believe. Know who you believe in, and are assured That He will “… never leave you or forsake you.”


Music is usually how we open our services. This is more than us getting together to sing songs. This is us getting closer to God in praise. We let the outside world go and come into God’s presence. For a time we are in a communal act of worship with our creator. Jesus said; “Where two or more are gathered in my name, I am present with them.” God is always present in our worship, in fact He inhabits the praise of His people. Some use just their voices, others a band, still others a full orchestra with choir. The method of praise is not as important as to whom we are praising, and why we are praising. Some dance and wave their arms, others lift just their voices, and some just their hearts and minds. There is boisterous, loud praise. There is quiet reflective praise. We need to get closer to God and worship will bring us into His presence.

Learning to Hate

Say what? If you never learn to hate the sin in your life you may never put it behind you. Yeah, I know, There are some things in our lives we like . What I call pet sins. In Christ though sin is always still sin. One sin is as bad as any other. Murderers and gossips in the same boat. Men you want to conquer that sexual sin in your life, learn to hate that sin. God hates sin, but loved us sinners enough to hang on a cross for us. We need to do the same. Hate the sin in your life, love yourself enough to die to sin and live for righteousness. The power to engage sin and beat it is ours in the Holy Spirit. We must choose to hate the sinful life and seek to begin living a Godly lifestyle. The power is there, we need to exercise our will in faith that sin has no hold on us, we are free to choose life. The Holy Spirit stands at our side willing to make us whole, Holy, and pure. Make the choice, hate the sin in your life, leave behind the guilt, broken families, the lost dreams. Be free from the stranglehold of sin, and be renewed in your mind and heart. Live a life worthy of a son or daughter of God. In Christ, John


In Christ there is no such thing as an easy ride. We are asked to take up our crosses daily and seek His Kingdom. It’s really not about following “religious” forms, ie: rules. To me following a formatted religious scheme is coasting. You do not have to think or interact with Christ or the Father. You can say; I accepted Jesus, everything is okay. But what about obedience, what about being Holy? Are you sure that’s all there is to it? We are a called out people, called to pursue righteousness. In this case righteousness is in Christ. “No Jesus, no life; Know Jesus, know life.” This is more than just a quote for your bumper. You want a better walk, seek a living relationship with Jesus. He is patiently waiting for all to come to the knowledge of His salvation. First we must make a decision to be obedient, then the Holy Spirit can work in our lives. We have salvation by faith, we then must choose to be obedient. We are not miraculously made perfect over night. I can see a lifetime of perseverance, struggle, and prayer ahead. The moment you begin to coast you take your eyes off the prize; A home in paradise with all the saints who never gave up or took the easy way home. Remember don’t be lukewarm, get on fire for the Lord of all creation. Be a fiery light in the darkness of this earthly realm. Be blessed, be a blessing. In Christ, John

Those Secret Places

The Word tells us to go to a secret place or closet when you pray. This is good and helps us with focus and distraction. What about the secret places in our hearts? God wants our complete and undivided heart, yet we think we can keep “stuff” hidden there. Until we empty all the closets of hidden sin we are unable to live in complete obedience. God delights in doers of the Word. We are such great talkers, actors and deceivers; Even to ourselves. When you allow God total access to your heart of hearts, He can begin the transformation of your life. You can truly begin to be like Jesus. Jesus gave everything to the will of the Father, this is way of life in Christ. Can we truly live as a Godly people? Yes, we can! Job was just a man and God proudly spoke of him as a good and righteous man. Job was doer of the ways of God. Even when the world crashed in on him, he never lost sight of God. He even said; “God knows my heart that I have not sinned against Him.” So what’s it going to be? Hearers and doers, or Talkers and thinkers? We have freed will to choose how much, or how little we give of ourselves to God. “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” God desires to have all of you, no hidden rooms full of “stuff” ( let’s call it sin) to keep us from entirely being His. God is loving and merciful. He desires only good for us, let us be worthy of that love!
In Christ, John

On Devotions

We all need to have some kind of daily connection with the Lord. I believe that there is no secret formula or standardized routine . Each of us has the freewill to choose how we seek God each day. Some people can spend hours each day in prayer devoted to God, others only moments throughout the day. Others read Five chapters, five Psalms and a Proverb every morning. However we choose to seek God’s will for our lives each day is our own choice. We can seek Him early and practice walking in His presence all day long; and resting in His arms each evening. Life can be your prayer, living can be your devotion, and the scripture the guide into His presence. His Spirit is our help and our counselor left for us by Jesus. In Christ our lives are made whole, and we become able to present ourselves at the throne of the One who is Love. The One who awaits our greeting, our praise, our devotion always.
In Christ, John

On Failure

Now most of us being human are acquainted with failure. This is because we are broken and are going to make mistakes. So often we begin things we have no reason or business to do. In Christ we often come up short of the perfection we have been called to. What is the difference between failing and being a failure? Everyone fails, or we are either stagnant or dead. When we fail, we have a choice; Get up dust ourselves off and move on, learning from our experiences. Or just quit! Failure is quitting, giving up and not moving on or growing after a failed experience. Paul wrote that He beat his body, that he strove on toward perfection, He ran the race always striving for the prize. No giving up for Paul. Jesus took a few chosen disciples with Him to pray at Gethsemane. They could not even stay awake to pray with Him. Jesus finally let them sleep, saying; “The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.” Peter failed and denied Jesus three times. Seeing the look on Jesus’ face he was stricken, and cried out in pain. He failed, but got back up, and with fear he went on. Jesus restored him by the seaside, gently and with love. Judas failed too, he led soldiers to Jesus and betrayed his master. The difference between Peter and Judas? Judas despaired and hung his self, there was no repentance and forgiveness. We need to acknowledge when we come up short of the prize. Seek God’s forgiveness, learn from our miscues, and move on in the Lord. Bob Dylan has a line in one of his songs goes like this; “What price do I have to pay to keep doing from all these things twice?” We should be asking the same question. What can be learned, what is the lesson in any situation? What has God sought to teach me? “Teach me, O Lord, your ways.” In Christ, John

To Be

Most of what goes on in religious circles is about doing. What God asks of us is being. “Be still and know I Am God.” “Be perfect as He is perfect.” When we finally learn that no amount of doing things for God is going to bring us closer than just being in His presence. We will be able to be in a relationship with Him. Can we do anything to earn salvation? No. Can works, striving bring us any closer to God? No. Just be the child of God you were meant to be. Rest in Jesus, be still and know. After being in His presence we will have changed. His Spirit makes these changes on the inside as we surrender more of ourselves to His Love. Being a child of God requires that we step out in faith; that He is capable of all He wills and promises for us. Our being there in His presence allows us to become the “light of the world”, to be His representatives to the lost around us. Be ready to do great things in the Lord. Be comforted that He has your life in His hands. Be like Jesus and do the will of the Father.
In Christ, John


What is it that keeps from deepening our relationship with our Lord? Why do we have so much trouble being quiet and hearing His voice? Try this, just being still for one single minute. Don’t think, don’t move, just relax and listen. I know for me this is extremely hard to do. Cluttered! Too much going on inside your head. Now check your heart, what do you love? How much is in there that takes time from the Lord. Having goals ,hobbies, even gifts that we spend our time, energy, and love on are not bad things. We are not even wrong in having or desiring these for ourselves. But, do they interfere with your relationship with God? Do we spend enough time in the presence of the one who would give us all. When is the last time you just rested in His arms? Do you wait till you are totally out of strength, unable to continue before you seek the Lord? Jesus said, “Seek first the Kingdom!” Seek to know Jesus, to know God personally on a daily… no continual… Basis. This is our most basic need, to rest in and learn at the feet of Jesus. Like Mary at the feet of her savior, choose the better way. Seek to remove the clutter from your mind, your heart, and even your circumstance. Simplify your life, become a disciplined. Remove what distracts you from complete obedience, worship, service and love of God. Be a prayer warrior. And above all learn to listen to voice of the Creator. In Christ, John

Just Another Day

We humans tend to break everything up into seasons, generations, era’s, epoch’s, etc. To Christians it’s like the song says, “This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.” There is enough to keep us occupied in the present without dwelling in the past, remembering past glories and/or failures; Or dreaming of the future, what could be, constantly thinking about what we want to happen. This is not to say we should not learn from the past or not have dreams. No, what I am saying is to not dwell on these things. Remember the past, its joys and sorrows, this is who you have been. Learn, trust God to bring you to where you need to be. Make your plans, dream your dreams, this may change the world. What is God’s plan for your life? That is the real and true question, if you searched deeply into your heart of hearts. Like Joshua, we need to answer the question, “Choose this day whom you will serve.” And, like Joshua, can we answer; “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!” Jesus told that each day brings its own joys and sorrows. That we cannot change what happened, or control what will happen. But God knows where every bird is, where each of us live, what goes on in the most secret of rooms. Therefore let us live in the present, rest in Jesus, listen to His daily instruction. Bob Dylan wrote, “Your gonna’ have to serve somebody. It may be the devil and it may be the Lord, but your gonna’ have to serve somebody.” Each day, moment by moment, each of us makes this choice. It is God’s desire for us to choose His way, forgives us when we fail and allows us to pick the pieces each day; A brand new chance to become the child of God we were destined to be. Yes, God has a destiny for each of us. We can spend so much of our lives running away and choosing to find our own destiny, we may even miss the path God had for us. God allows us our free will to choose. God is also merciful and allows us to “do over”, confess our rebellion and turn towards Him. Choose to seek Him. Choose to pursue the life that God would have you live. You can choose to serve God this day. This the time, make it not just another empty day. Fill it with Jesus’ presence, rest in Him, become the person God created you to be before you were born. God is the God of new beginnings, and every day is a new day to live in His Love. Where else are you going to go? Been there, done that! Only God has the way of salvation. Choose Jesus, choose life, get back on the true path this day. Make each day of this new year another brand new day in the Lord. Let Him unfold the future for you. In Christ, John